Together Housing Association Ltd v David Urmston

This web site has been put together in order to provide a Case Study of tenants being "bullied" by neighbours and Together Housing Association's Anti Social Behaviour Officers - during the period 2018 to 2022.

Case Study

The Case Study will be looking in detail into various abuses of authority by the officers operating at different levels within Together Housing Association Ltd. We will be looking at both the actions and the in-actions of officers from different departments who became involved at various levels. We will also look closely at the affects these official failures had on the tenants covered by this Case Study.

The three images below comprise some of the pieces of evidence which Ward Hadaway LLP (solicitors for Together Housing Association Ltd) managed to "alter" in, or "exclude" from the Court Bundles. The legal representative of a Social Housing Landlord somehow produced these deficient Bundles for three separate Court Hearings between 2021 and 2022. Each time a Bundle was produced for the Court these images were printed upside down, other pieces of evidence were totally absent from each Court Bundle, two spreadsheets had numerous pages interleaved to now present raw data not information to the judge. The spreadsheet pages at first appeared to me like they had been shuffled like a pack of cards. Their use to me in court hand been sabotaged, my evidence had been rendered useless.

A Data Controller "altering" "subject data" in this way or in any other way - is a breach of the Data Protection Act, apart from any other irregularity. As a consequence, I have reported to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) for investigation the "alterations" and "omissions" of "evidence".

I have also contacted the SRA (Solicitors Regulatory Authority) regarding these irregularities which are probably a breach of professional conduct. I believe this contributed directly to me being given the Injunction for ASB in the County Court Bradford in July 2021.

More juicey images and gorey bits of malice, lies and scandal will follow soon. See PAGE TWO

storyboard for a staff training film

Storyboard for staff training film: locating scenes = frames 1, 2 and 3

Professional Negligence

Alarmingly, the Case Study has identified rather large gaps in the existing "Safe Guarding" mechanisms. The Guide Lines form a legal requirement which "Registered Social Landlords" should follow. In this case, for some as yet unknown reason - they chose not to ! The framework is supposed to act as a "safety net" and it was put into place in order to protect vulnerable "service users" from abuse. The framework is detailed in both the Tenancy Agreement used by Together Housing Association Ltd, as well as in the Anti Social Behaviour Policy document. These documents clearly sets out the ASB procedures and how the Officers should implement the procedures. This is Together Housing Association Ltd's web page about Openness and Transparency

This unfortunate news highlights a principle route by which abuses of authority can take place undetected. At the County Court level, the existing legislation actually creates enclaves where abusive behaviour can take place and flourish.

The Case Study highlights some of the worst abuses of the system by tenants and housing officers, working in collusion to victimise other tenants in the block of flats.

storyboard for a staff training film

Storyboard for staff training film: frames 4 and 5 - Detailed examination of the ASB Officer bullying a tenant.

The Case Study highlights the failures of Together Housing Association Ltd in the dereliction of their "duties of care". The Case Study documents the catalogue of incidents where the housing officers have knowingly failed to treat all tenants equally, which is also a breach of The Equalities Act.

The Case Study covers a four year period of Housing Officers failing to follow their employers procedures published in the Tenancy Agreement as well as in the Anti Social Behaviour Policy document. This Case Study exposes a failure of management at all levels, by the fact that NOT one of them ensured that their tenants were treated equally.

storyboard for a staff training film

Storyboard for staff training film: frames 6 - ASB Officer bullying and ASB Manager Professional Negligence. Frames 7 and 8 Psychiatric Assessment.

The Web Site

The web site will be appearing gradually, as I get the ability to deal with such a long running and consequently, a pretty complex series of events.

The Current Situation

At the moment is that I have managed to prevent the ASB Officer's three attempts to have me evicted from my flat. She has used the using the County Court and a brand new mechanisim introduced to assist landlords, called a Tenancy Review. In April 2022 I managed to avoid being committed to prison and am still under the Injunction with Power of Arrest until July 2023. I do not feel safe when in my own flat and as a consequence I spend a lot of time away and lots of things do not get done.

A Quick Summary

The crass behaviour and seriously unprofessional bias of this officer can be seen in her failed attempt to have me sent to prison. This was based upon her claim that I had Breached the Injunction immediately after the Court Hearing had concluded and whilst still standing in the court room. Her Barrister was present but oddly enough, was not cited as a witness to the incident. Survielance cameras are in use at the County Court in Bradford.

The ASB Case Officer was relying wholly upon her knowledge and her experience, gained during 30 years as an ASB Officer, to exploit the flaws in the legal system. This is pretty extreme behaviour in an attempt to get the end result that the ASB Officer was looking for. Judges at County Court level will assume that the officer bringing the case is telling the truth. The judge will form their decision on, "likelihood" and "probability", it appears in preference to any evidence which the defence may bring to the court.

The same ASB Officer later attempted to have me committed to prison, citing several breaches of the Injunction, the main thrust being 8 incidents of breach because I had played acoustic guitar for 7 minutes around midday. I was found guilty of a breach - under my own admission of singing the Perjury Song. I have written more than ten versions of the Perjury Song which is about the ASB Officer having committed perjury.

Thankfully this judge realised there wasn't any evidence to support the Case Officer's attempt to have me sent to jail, as well as being evicted. However, he did find me guilty of breaching the Injunction because in his learned opinion "normal people don't go around singing". And we are supposed to respect such an ignorant and discriminatory opinion and the questionable outcome.

Breach of Contract

Together Housing Association Ltd have breached their contract. This contract is the Tenancy Agreement.

Catalogue of Mismanagement

Documentation is everything and I have plenty, going back nearly five years. I have had Warning Letters issued out of procedure and which without evidence accused me of unacceptable ASB behaviour. I have Housing Officers statements which include inaccurate and very misleading information, as the officer begins the defamation of my character process, which has been a major part of her campaign against me. I have a big pile of letters and I have emails from other housing officials, housing officers with titles like "Resolutions Co-Ordinator" who are stonewalling my attempts to report the bullying. Bullying by my neighbours who made up ASB incidents and bullying by the ASB Officer who refused to acknowledge my diary entries, receipts or sound monitor logs and who later committed perjury. She put in her witness statement that she had seen my sound monitor logs. My Support Workers notes made during this meeting record the ASB Officer was "disinterested" in my evidence!

And so the Case Study will develop, along a sort of time line of events. However, because of potential legal ramifications of putting this information into the public realm, I will consider carefully the structure and development of this Case Study. So treat it like a living organism of sorts and watch the web site Case Study grow.

Updated with new gorey images of how the ASB Officer and her colleagues abused vulnerable tenants of Together Housing association Ltd.


End Result ? What do I want to achieve by doing this ?

Apart from any actual Case Study for the benefit of the Social Housing sector in the UK and Social Housing Landlords in particular.

The objective is the acceptance and acknowledgement by Together Housing Association Ltd - that they have seriously fucked up and this has cost me thousands of pounds as well as the thousands of "working hours" lost whilst defending myself.

I have many years working in the housing sector which allows me to produce this Case Study. It appears that I know housing law and human rights better than my landlord Together Housing Association Ltd.

It is ONLY because of this experience and knowledge that I have managed to stay the course where Eddie Physouni didn't. No longer fighting a defence I am now on the offensive, looking for justice for Eddie and myself.

Defending myself has cost quite a bit more than £20,000 in specialist support and legal fees alone.

For several years now, I have been unable to live in my flat as the other tenants live in theirs. I'd like this to change ASAP so I can perhaps put down roots in Todmorden at 70, and have opportunity to join in the local community, instead of always thinking about leaving.

I'd like the neighbours who lied and who's lies got me the ASB Injunction to admit that they lied - maybe ? Maybe that's a little too much to ask.

Anyways, it would be nice to be able to say Hi! to them when I see them outside - and mean it...

I'd like them both to feel safe, and know that there will never be any danger from me, beyond exposure of those malicious lies.

I would like them to acknowledge to my landlord, Together Housing Association Ltd that I have never been a threat or even a nuisance really.

I'd also like my Housing Record cleared of the false reports for Anti Social Behaviour, so I can maybe do a home swap.

And I hope that the lady upstairs gets a decent flat somewhere where she feels safe.

Nameste - use the link to eMail David Urmston

Page updated on 11th May 2024 - Web Design by Oxford PC Solutions